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Chick WeisseChick Weisse, VMD, DACVS 

Animal Medical Center

Dr. Chick Weisse completed his small animal surgical residency training at the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in 2002. He then pursued advanced training through a customized fellowship in Interventional Radiology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in 2003. He held dual appointments in surgery and radiology as an Assistant Professor at both the veterinary and human hospitals (UPenn) before coming to the Animal Medical Center in 2009 as staff surgeon and Head of the Interventional Radiology Service. Educational interests include expanding minimally invasive veterinary interventional radiology (IR) techniques through describing new procedures and training veterinarians.

Research interests include IR techniques for non-resectable and metastatic cancers, palliative stenting for malignant obstructions, vascular anomalies such as portosystemic shunts.

Allyson BerentAllyson Berent, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM) 

Animal Medical Center

Dr. Berent graduated from Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine in 2002. She completed a one year rotating small animal internship at the University of Minnesota. She then completed her internal medicine residency at the Matthew J. Ryan Veterinary Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Following her residency she did a fellowship in interventional radiology and interventional endoscopy.

Her research interests are in minimally invasive diagnostics and therapeutics including: endourology, laser lithotripsy, hepatic and biliary interventions, and intrahepatic portosystemic shunting.


