Hilary Jackson

Hilary graduated from the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies in Edinburgh where she later returned to complete a residency in Veterinary Dermatology. Since then she has worked in Academia (the University of Bristol & North Carolina State University) and is now in private practice at the Dermatology Referral Service in Glasgow. She has specific interests in canine atopic dermatitis and adverse food reaction and is a member of the International Committee for Atopic Diseases in Animals.

Additional Info

  • Imię: Hilary
  • Nazwisko: Jackson
  • Tytuł naukowy: BVM&S, ARPS, DVD, DipACVD, DipECVD, MRCVS
  • Uczelnia / klinika: International Committee for Atopic Diseases in Animals
  • Lata wizytacji w Polsce: 2020
  • Wydarzenia w Polsce:

    Small Animal Dermatology


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