kcvt"Kirk's Current Veterinary Therapy" is the one of the most famous and up-to-date textbooks about therapy of small animal diseases.

Currently edition is the fifteenth. Authors still continue to expand the book with new topics and update the old ones. In addition, for holders of this textbook there are available 86 additional chapters on the official website!


Editors of this textbook are: John D. Bonagura and David C. Twedt. In 2015, at the VetCo conference "Small Animal Cardiology" lectures were held by eminent cardiologist, Professor Bonagura, and in 3 weeks in Warsaw we will have the opportunity to meet the second editor of the book... Professor David Twedt!

Small Animal Gastroenterology: http://www.vetco.org/en/conferences-2017/small-animal-gastroenterology



