Hypurrcat is a treatment center built exclusively for radioiodine treatment of cats with hyperthyroidism.     
      Feline hyperthyroidism was first documented 31 years ago by Dr. Mark E. Peterson and coworkers. Since then, hyperactive thyroid disease has become the most common hormonal disorder of domestic cats. Due to continued research, hyperthyroid cats now have the same therapeutic choices as human patients including medication to suppress the thyroid hormone production, surgical removal of the thyroid tumor, or radioactive iodine (radioiodine I-131) therapy to destroy the thyroid tumor responsible for the condition.    
      Of these treatment options, radioiodine therapy is considered by authorities to be the treatment of choice for this condition in cats. Overall, radioiodine provides a simple, effective, and safe cure, regardless of the cat’s age. If left untreated, however, hyperthyroidism can be fatal.    
      At Hypurrcat we can now easily and completely cure this disease with our radioiodine procedure, destroy your cat's thyroid tumor, and return your cat to a normal thyroid state.

Źródło: www.hypurrcat.com



